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Western Oregon is an Emerging Hispanic Serving Institution, the only four-year, public university in Oregon to have achieved the designation.

average class size


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Ellen Moore

Ellen Moore ’20

“My favorite thing about WOU is the small class sizes! It’s no secret that smaller class sizes allow you to get to know your peers and professors better, but it also does a really good job of making me feel comfortable and even excited to go to class!”

WOU student JD


“I chose Western Oregon University because it has one of the top education programs in the nation. My time here has been just incredible.”

Kaiana Bradley

Kaiana Bradley ’20

“My favorite thing about WOU is the community atmosphere. I love it here because I came not knowing anyone and now I hardly ever walk across campus without saying hello to multiple people. Because of the size, it is really easy to get involved in whatever interests you and to truly make it feel like home here.”

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    布谷 加速器下载

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